Gameplay Journal 10

Eric Kenney
2 min readMar 31, 2021


For my value based game, there are a couple different routes I have thought about going. What I really want my game to accomplish is to draw in the player and engage in a proper story. Ultimately, I want my game to have a set objective to complete and to forward an ideal/value that I hold in high regard. What I have spent the most time on is figuring out what core value I have that I want center my game around. This could be a social or cultural idea. What I want bring more attention to is the importance of the environment as well as the relationship between our society and technology. These are the two main ideas or values I am contemplating on centering around my game. I believe either of these values are of the upmost importance in today’s world with growing development of technology and the issues we deal with surrounding the environment.

As for the type of game I will be developing for anybody to play and communicate my ideas to the player; I am most likely going to create a classic style 2D plat-former that follows the player on a mission. This mission will be a very simple challenge that leads to the completion of the game. I want my game to effectively communicate my core value to the player in very sleek, simple, yet efficient way. I believe that utilizing a 2D style will add a very appealing finish and work hand in hand with which idea I decide to expand upon. The purpose for this assignment to persuade the player to appeal to your stance on your specific core value and that is exactly what I plan to accomplish with the current ideas and values I have.

